Jobs in International Higher Education
This database draws the latest jobs in International Higher Education from top sites across the world. Use the search button below or look through the jobs for inspiration.
Salary Not Specified
£29,605 to £33,966 per annum
£24,782 (Starting salary) with annual performance-related and cost of living increases
An attractive salary package will be negotiated
Competitive Salary
HEW 5 $77,114 - $86,490 + 17% Superannuation
Salary commensurate with experience
Salary Commensurate with Experience
£45,585 to £54,395 per annum, Grade 8
£31,396 to £33,966 pro rata pa with potential to progress to £37,099 pro rata pa on achieving designated skills and experience. UH6
Assist Prof (G8) £47,321 to £54,827, progressing to £58,155 once in post; Assoc Prof (G9) £56,467 to £69,404, progressing to £75,833 once in post
£12,569 to £14,379 pa: Grade D (pro rata to £25,138 - £28,759 per annum)
$65,000.00 - $70,000.00
$54-$58k, based on experience
+ 17% superannuation and leave loading
Salary Not Specified
£37,099 to £44,263 per annum, pro rata if part time
Salary Range $77,292 pa - $87,815 pa + 17% Super
£42,978 to £64,914 per annum
£38,004.75 - Pay Band C
£31,396 to £36,024 per annum
An attractive salary package will be negotiated
£31,396 to £36,024
£34,980 to £42,978 per annum
£28,203 to £32,039 per annum
£43,309 to £52,558 per annum
£43,309 to £52,558 per annum
Salary Not specified
$85,000 – $120,000 per year
$65,000 – $70,000 per year + super & leave loading
$121,150 – $129,555 per year
Up to £34,000 plus excellent benefits per annum
UOM 8 $115,537 - $124,622 p.a. plus 17% super
£32,332 to £36,024 Grade 6, per annum
£42,405 to £49,785 per annum
$74,979 – $84,793 + 17% superannuation
Education Partnerships & Engagement Officer, School of Education Job in Bankstown, Sydney NSW – SEEK
HEW Level 6 $107,358 to $115,073 p.a.
$47,000 to $52,000 Salary commensurate with education, experience, and other requirements.
$45,000 tp $55,000
+ 17% superannuation and leave loading
£37,099 to £44,263 Grade 7
$45,000+ DOE plus excellent benefits
Salary Not specified
£33,966 to £38,205 per annum
£29,605 to £32,982 per annum pro rata
£38,474 to £45,737 per annum.
£29,605 to £30,487 with progression to £32,982 per annum.
£24,938 to £27,166 pa
Commensurate with education and experience
£24,938 to £27,166 pa
£33,966 to £38,205 per annum. Grade 7
£34,347 to £36,437 pa