Boosting Your Career In

International Higher Education

Our mission is simple. To build the most Advanced Career Engine to Power up Jobs in the ever-changing landscape of International Higher Education. We aim to be your connection between the world of international career opportunities and the best strategies for success using the latest technology and experts in the field.

AI CV and Cover Letter Generator

Our Cutting Edge AI-Powered easy-to-use platform allows users to create professional CVs and Cover Letters relevant to International Higher Education in minutes. We are excited to be part of the journey to helping you achieve your career goals!

AI-Powered Career Tools

Our AI-powered career tutor-bots draw on multi-discplinary, rigourous theoretical frameworks to empower global education, student recruitment, international marketing or global partnerships activities,  available 24/7 by your side.

Personality and Career Quizes

Our quizes and tests provide an easy, fun and  reliable way to measure skill proficiency, allowing individuals to make informed decisions about their current and future careers. Welcome to the new era of learning and development, where you are always first!

Application Questions Assistant

Our AI-powered assistant will take your work experience into consideration and match it to the job description you are applying for, helping you craft the perfect answer to any of the application questions. Score an interview in no time!

About Us

We’re a lively squad of caring career consultants on a mission to help international higher education professionals chase their dream careers. We get the excitement and hurdles that come with working in a diverse area abroad, and we’re here to be your trusty companions throughout the whole journey. Whether it’s pinpointing the perfect jobs, keeping you in the loop with the freshest industry buzz, or equipping you with top-notch job search strategies and resume wizardry, we’ve got your back covered.

“Universitas Non Moritum”