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What Level of Burnout Are You Facing in the International Education Field?
What Level of Burnout Are You Facing in the International Education Field?
Which of the following describes your current workload in the International Education field?
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Overloaded with tasks and responsibilities
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Manageable, but occasionally overwhelmed
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Under control with a balanced workload
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Which of the following statements best describes your work-life balance?
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I have no time for personal activities or hobbies
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I struggle to find a balance between work and personal life
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I have a good balance between work and personal life
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In your opinion, how supportive is your organization in addressing employee well-being?
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Not supportive at all
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Occasionally supportive, but could improve
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Very supportive and prioritizes employee well-being
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How often do you feel exhausted at work?
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Rarely or never
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Have you experienced a loss of enthusiasm for your job?
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No, I am still enthusiastic
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Yes, occasionally
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Yes, frequently
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Do you find it difficult to concentrate or make decisions?
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No, my concentration is fine
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Sometimes I struggle
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Yes, frequently
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Do you often feel emotionally drained after work?
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No, I feel fine
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Sometimes I feel drained
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Yes, frequently
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Do you feel a sense of accomplishment from your work?
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Yes, I feel accomplished
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Occasionally, but not consistently
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No, I rarely feel accomplished
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Do you have trouble sleeping due to work-related stress?
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Do you feel emotionally detached from your students or colleagues?
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Which of the following are symptoms you experience? (Select all that apply)
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Feeling overwhelmed
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Lack of motivation
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Difficulty concentrating
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Physical exhaustion
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Depression or anxiety
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None of the above
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How often do you take breaks or vacations to recharge?
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Rarely or never
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Your Result Type is None to Mild Burnout
Congratulations! You are currently experiencing none to mild burnout in the international education field. This indicates that you have a good balance between work and personal life, and you are effectively managing your stress levels. Keep up the good work and continue prioritizing self-care.
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Your Result Type is Moderate Burnout
You are experiencing moderate burnout in the international education field. This suggests that you may be facing increased stress and exhaustion due to work-related factors. It is important to take steps to address and manage your burnout to prevent it from escalating further. Read here some strategies to help you cope with the burnout you are experiencing.
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Your Result Type is Severe Burnout
You are currently experiencing severe burnout in the international education field. This indicates that you are overwhelmed by work-related stress and exhaustion, which may be negatively affecting your physical and mental well-being. It is crucial to take immediate action to prioritize your health and well-being. We would stongly encourage you to read here about strategies to manage your burnout and also seek professional advice to ensure the burnout you are experiencing will not have any long lasting negative impacton your wellbeing.
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