2022 in Review: Scanning the End-Of-The-Year Education Headlines

by | Jan 30, 2023 | International Education News

10 Things to Know About Education in 2022

1. Photos from Education Week and Chalkbeat highlighted the biggest stories in education from 2022.
2. International headlines from UNESCO and the Global Partnership for Education provided insight into the global education landscape.
3. In the US, the teaching profession, education law, and edtech all saw significant developments in 2022.
4. Gun violence has become the number one cause of death for children in the United States.
5. The New York Times released data on kids and gun violence, while the National Center for Education Statistics detailed staff and equipment shortages in US public schools.
6. COVID-19 has changed how we think about schools, with mental health now the top learning obstacle according to a national survey.
7. Research from NWEA showed a rebound in reading and math in fall 2022, however the youngest students in the sample had the largest reading declines.
8. The Matt McGough, Krutika Amin, Nirmita Panchal, and Cynthia Cox report on Child and Teen Firearm Mortality in the US and Peer Countries provided insight into gun violence.
9. EducationWeek looked at school shootings in 2022, while Axios reported on how COVID-19 affected teen brains.
10. The Washington Post and The74 reported on the ongoing impact of the pandemic on schools and student learning.

Summary from internationalednews.com