Your guide to Boosting Morale – Formal recognition is when an employee is formally acknowledged for effort, behavior, or results that align with company values or goals. This type of recognition is usually given by a manager or higher-up and is often accompanied by an award or gift. Examples include cash bonuses, gift cards, or a plaque. 2. Informal recognition Informal recognition is when an employee is acknowledged in a casual way. This type of recognition is usually given by peers or managers and can be verbal or written. Examples include a thank you note, a shout out in a team meeting, or a quick conversation. 3. Peer-to-peer recognition Peer-to-peer recognition is when an employee is acknowledged by their peers. This type of recognition is usually given for a job well done or for going above and beyond. Examples include a thank you note, a shout out in a team chat, or a quick conversation. 4. Public recognition Public recognition is when an employee is acknowledged in front of their peers or the entire organization. This type of recognition is usually given by a manager or higher-up and can be verbal or written. Examples include a thank you in a team meeting, a shout out in a company-wide email, or an award ceremony.
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