US claims top spot with world’s most expensive international school

by | Jan 26, 2023 | International Education News

10 Things to Know About International School Prices in 2022

1. The most expensive international school in the world is in New York City, with Avenues International School charging an annual tuition and fees of $62,700.
2. San Francisco also made the top 10 list of most expensive cities for international schools.
3. China had the most cities in the top 10 list, with Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou all taking spots.
4. London edged out Toronto to make its way into the top 10 this year.
5. Malaysia claimed the top spot for least expensive city for international school last year, with Ipoh-Perak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia coming in at just over $3,000.
6. Copenhagen remains the least expensive city for international education for the third year in a row.
7. The median price in 43 cities rose in 2022, with the degree of the increases varying wildly.
8. Cape Town came in as the least expensive city for international school in Africa.
9. Lima, Peru was the least expensive city for international school in the Americas.
10. International Schools Database co-founders Andrea and Gerardo Robledillo established the database to make life easier for ex-pat families.

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