Student subject preferences are shifting — Education Marketer

by | Jan 20, 2023 | International Education News

Student Subject Preferences FAQs

Q: What percentage of Gen Z desire to study Medicine?
A: 9%.

Q: What percentage of Gen Alpha desire to study Medicine?
A: 18%.

Q: What percentage of children ages 5-8 want to be doctors?
A: 26%.

Q: Why is interest in Business Management falling among Generation Alpha?
A: Generation Alpha are more open to apprenticeships and alternative routes of study than their predecessors, and are more likely to be entrepreneurial, ambitious, and confident.

Q: What percentage of Generation Alpha would consider an apprenticeship?
A: 36%.

Q: What are Generation Alpha Student Subject Preferences?
A: Generation Alpha students show a preference for technology-related fields such as computer science and engineering, along with creative disciplines like art and design. Additionally, subjects related to sustainability and environmental studies are gaining traction among this generation.

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