Jobs in International Higher Education
This database draws the latest jobs in International Higher Education from top sites across the world. Use the search button below or look through the jobs for inspiration.
£40,000 Max Salary per annum
¥7,200,000 to ¥10,800,000 or £44,560.80 to £66,841.20 (converted salary*) gross salary, per year
£38,000 to £42,000 gross, per annum DOE
£44,737 to £53,353 per annum
£39,508 to £47,355
£36,333 to £43,155
£36,386 to £42,155
£41,931 to £52,841
£32,348 to £42,155 p.a.
£28,762 to £34,308 per annum
£41,288 to £46,423
£43,155 to £54,421 per annum
£22,149 to £24,948 per annum pro-rata depending on skills and experience. Salary progression beyond this scale is subject to performance.
£68,892 to £89,833 per annum
£28,399 to £35,474 pa pro rata, plus excellent benefits
£32,348 to £42,155 full time starting salary range, with potential progression once in post to £44,737, Grade 7
£37,000 to £42,000 per annum, depending on experience
£44,414 to £52,481
£27,929 to £31,411 per annum
£23,715 to £27,131
£27,396 to £30,619 per annum
£41,386 to £48,414 per annum including London allowance (grade 5).
£33,314 (40) to £38,592 (45) (University scale points 40-45) per annum, depending on experience.
£36,333 to £44,414 per annum, with potential to progress to £48,423 per annum (Grade 7)
£36,333 to £43,155 per annum (Grade 7)
£36,333 to £43,155 per annum (pro-rata) (Grade 7)
£39,508 to £47,355
£73,367 to £95,104 pro rata
The starting salary will be from £22,715 up to £24,587 on Grade D, depending on qualifications and experience.
£37,386 to £41,931 per annum
£27,929 to £34,308 p.a. on Grade 6
£39,313 to £47,148 with potential to progress to £50,614 pa inclusive of London Allowance
£37,386 to £41,931 per annum
£28,762 to £31,411 per annum
£30,502 Grade 6.1. Pro-rata if applicable
£37,386 to £52,841 per annum, Grade 7/8
SNR ADMIN OFFICERS (B23/ALC6) – Competitive Salary
£35,333 to £40,931
£35,333 to £40,931 per annum
£32,348 to £34,308 with progression to £42,155 per annum.
£35,333 to £42,155 dependent on experience
£35,333 to £42,155 dependent on experience
£36,273.26 per annum
Grade 7 (£32,348 to £36,386) until 31/07/23 an additional 2% will be paid (£32,995 to £37,114)
£35,333 to £44,737
£28,728 to £32,096 per annum. Grade 4 of the College's London Pay Scale
£24,948 to £27,929 plus £5,018 London weighting per annum
£28,762 to £33,314 per annum
£47,414 to £55,805
£31,411 to £36,386 per annum, pro rata
£43,413 to £51,805
£24,285 to £27,131 per annum
£34,917 to £54,796 per annum
£48,196 to £55,718 per annum inclusive with potential to progress to £62,053 pa inclusive of London allowance
£42,824 to £60,902 per annum
£31,374 to £46,624 per annum
£22,662 to £24,285 pro rata
£36,348 to £42,592 per annum
£43,414 to £51,805 per annum
£32,348 to £42,155 per annum. Subject to annual pay award.
£27,765 to £29,900 (dependant on experience) plus generous pension contributio
£34,308 to £42,155 (Grade 7)
£54,949 to £68,589 Per Annum
£30,896 to £36,442 per annum - including London Allowance
£37,474 to £42,155
£30,000 to £36,000 (Subject to Experience)
£27,929 to £34,308 per annum (Grade 6)
£25,642 to £28,762 per annum by annual increments on achieving designated skills and experience
£28,762 to £35,333 (Grade E)
£32,343 to £35,325 per annum. Starting salary will be £32,343 per annum
£23,715 to £27,929 per annum (Grade 4)
£25,642 to £28,762 pa on achieving designated skills and experience
£21,630 to £23,144 per annum (pro rata)
£35,333 to £40,931 plus £5018 London weighting per annum