Jobs in International Higher Education
This database draws the latest jobs in International Higher Education from top sites across the world. Use the search button below or look through the jobs for inspiration.
Salary Not Specified
£37,009 to £44,263 per annum
$82,372 – $89,161 per year
£39,748 per annum
$89246 to $96631 per Year
$55,000 – $75,000 per year
$58,000 - $60,000
Competitive based on qualifications and experience
$55,000 – $75,000 per year
$104,596 – $123,964 per year
Up to AUD55,000 with superannuation
Salary Range $46,000 - $50,000
£39,748 p/a. Grade: UKRI Band E
$60,000 – $70,000 per year
£28,762 to £31,411 per annum
Salary Not Specified
Academic D or E + 17% super
Salary Not Specified
$35-$48pu002Fh + Super + Benefits + Laptop
$68,000 – $76,899 per year
£28,929 to £32,411 per annum, Grade: G
$80,000 – $90,000 per year
£41,004.82 to £48,168.82 per annum inclusive of London Allowance, Grade 7
£4,400 plus pension contribution if eligible
£4,000 plus pension contribution if eligible
$35-$48pu002Fh + Super + Benefits + Laptop
£4,400 plus pension contribution if eligible
Salary Not specified
£33,966 to £44,263 per annum.
£36,333 to £43,155 per annum (Grade 7)
$98480 to $108943 per Year
£33,348 to £35,308 with progression to £43,155 per annum
$76936 to $88015 per Year
$70,000 to $72,500 + Benefits
£31,502 to £35,308
$92,361 per annum plus super
Typical starting range for a new employee in this role is $46,000-$48,125/annually + benefits
Competitive salary + generous benefits
£24,715 to £28,929 pro rata per annum
Unremunerated, Volunteer. Reasonable Expenses will be covered
$50,000 – $70,000 per year
£22,160 per annum
$120,000 - $148,000/annually. Salary commensurate with skills, qualifications and experience.
£29,762 to £36,333 p.a. Grade E
Up to $50,000 a year
£30,619 to £35,308 per annum (Grade UE06)
Salary Not specified
Grade 9 £56,048 - £63,059 per annum increasing to £57,696 to £64,914 on 01/08/23
$80,000 – $90,000 per year
£33,348 to £35,308 with progression to £43,155 per annum
Salary Not specified
£28,929 to £35,308 p.a. (Grade 6)
£28,759 to £33,966 pa - Grade 5
$86,960 - $100,098 per annum plus 17% super
£35,333 to £38,592 pa with potential to progress to £42,155 pa by annual increments on achieving designated skills and experience. UH7
Grade 6, Salary Range £30,487 - £36,024
£28,470 to £33,577 per annum
£35,502 to £40,333 per annum, including London Weighting Allowance. Grade 5
£38,841 to £42,100 inclusive of London Weighting with potential to progress to £45,663 per annum inclusive of London Weighting. Grade 7