Jobs in International Higher Education
This database draws the latest jobs in International Higher Education from top sites across the world. Use the search button below or look through the jobs for inspiration.
£32,332 to £37,099 per annum
$79,334 - $86,545 per annum, plus 17% super
Salary Not Specified
$92,749 - $100,397 p.a. plus 17% super
$106,561 - $119,550 plus 17% Superannuation
Salary Not specified
Salary Not specified
Salary Not specified
Salary Not specified
Salary Not specified
Salary Not specified
$99,650 - $117,000/Annually
£39,347 to £44,263 per annum (Grade 7)
£48,350 to £56,021 per annum (Grade 8)
£44,263 to £56,021 per annum (pro-rata if applicable) depending on skills and experience. Salary progression beyond this scale is subject to performance.
£37,190 per annum
£36,024 to £38,205 (opportunity for annual increments to reach £44,263)
£66,857 to £68,857 per annum (Grade 10)
£29,605 to £30,487 with progression to £32,982 per annum.
£30,523 to £33,349 per annum
$65,000 – $70,000 per year
£40,407 to £53,409 per annum
£30,487 to £32,982 per annum
$65,000 to $75,000 + Super
£45,585 to £54,395 per annum
£24,533 to £28,759 Grade 3, per annum
$45,000 - $50,000 based on experience
£33,966 to £37,099 per annum
$75,000 – $95,000 per year
£29,327 to £43,391 per annum. Initial appointment will be in the above range per annum (depending on experience)
HEW 7 $97,940 - $107,842 + 17% Superannuation
£48,350 to £56,021 per annum (Grade 8)
$36.20 – $40.51 per hour, plus superannuation
$67,200 - $86,558/ per year
£27,979 to £32,982 per annum. Subject to annual pay award.
£43,116 per annum
Competitive salary + 5 weeks leave + 6.75% super
£43,116 per annum
Competitive salary + 5 weeks leave + 6.75% super
Senior International Student & Scholar Advisor – Atlanta, Georgia job with Emory University | 155839
Commensurate with experience
£29,605 to £32,982 Grade: G
£35,439 to £40,976 per annum, inclusive of £4,952 London Weighting.
£29,605 to £30,487 with progression to £32,982 per annum
£37,977 to £42,360 per annum, plus benefits
$60,000 – $65,000 per year
£32,982 to £37,099 per annum
Competitive salary + 5 weeks leave + 6.75% super
$68,777 to $72,000 or £56,619.01 to £59,272.27 (converted salary*) Grade 8, per annum
£42,051 to £49,215 per annum, inclusive of £4,952 London Weighting.
$75,000 – $80,000 per year
$75,000 – $80,000 per year
£30,500 to £38,000 per annum, depending on experience
£52,302 to £61,929 inclusive of London Weighting with potential progress to £65,537 per annum inclusive of London Weighting through sustained exceptional contribution.
$75,429 to $84,849 + 17% super and leave loading
$55,000 to $56,000, commensurate with experience
Not Specified
$75,429 to $84,849 + 17% super and leave loading
£30,487 to £36,024 (incremental Progression) Grade 6
$145,000 per year
$75,429 to $84,849 + 17% super and leave loading
$75,429 to $84,849 + 17% super and leave loading
£42,099 to £50,585 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance
£37,099 to £41,732 per annum, plus market supplement
£37,099 to £44,263 per annum, pro rata if part time
£46,974 to £56,021 per annum, with potential to progress to £63,029 (Grade 8)
$75,429 to $84,849 + 17% super and leave loading
£57,696 to £64,914
$86,842 to $95,822 plus 17% superannuation
$75,429 to $84,849 + 17% super and leave loading
£44,577 + Starting from, per annum inclusive of London Weighting
$123,186 - $127,591 + 17% Superannuation
40,712 to $52,312
£33,966 to £45,585 per annum (pro-rata if applicable) depending on skills and experience. Salary progression beyond this scale is subject to performance.