CV Salary Estimator
Since we’re always up to date with the latest jobs in the International Higher Education Sector, we’ve thought of putting our database to good use, so we’re allowing you to compare your CV to hundreds of jobs over the past 2 years and estimate how much your experience in the sector could get you but also what kind of roles and institutions you might want to apply for!
How does this work?
Using OpenAI's technology in the back-end and the open source software TypeBot, we've created a chatbot that can estimate CV's potential salary worth based on publicly available data in the International Higher Education sector.
If you like this and would like to collaborate or get your own version, message Cato on Linkedin.
Is the chatbot perfect?
Like any Generative AI technology there is, of course, the risk of potentially incorrect information so we would advise everyone to read the brief with an open but critical mind and fact-check any information before taking it for granted.
We are constantly working to ensure our models are as accurate as possible but in case you do notice any anomaly or incorrect replies please use the feedback form to let us know about it.